Thanks for a fabulous evening and performance, truly enjoyable in these challenging times, so thanks again for your efforts.
We certainly hope to see you in 2021 at a packed Whitley Bay Playhouse, here up north.
Please consider putting us on your tour list.
Thanks once again.
Phil K

Hi Gordy
I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed last night’s live broadcast – it made me realise just how much I am missing my regular visits to the theatre. It must have been weird for all of you playing to an empty house but for me and I’m sure everyone else watching around the globe it was brilliant. I know the Harlequin Theatre so could easily imagine I was there with you! One thing I particularly enjoyed was the close ups of you all playing your instruments – something you don’t always get to see in the
theatre – I found that fascinating, you are all so talented.
I look forward to seeing you again in the flesh as soon as that can ever happen – please come to my local venue – the Tivoli Theatre in Wimborne – asap!!
And could there be another CD eventually?
All the best to all of you.
Jane F

Hi Gordy,
It looks and sounds great – well done all of you!
David Meredith,
Director, The Albany Theatre

Omg, Gordy, this is way beyond anything I expected in my wildest dreams.  You and your band are truly magnificent.  Thank you so much.
Again, thank you so much, you are a really skilled group of musicians and totally appreciated.

Working brilliant. Missing the crowd ?,

Fabulous!  Thanks so much for doing this.  Enjoying totally from Georgia USA.

Gordon – this is just MAGNIFICENT!!!!
So uplifting – especially loved Say it with love – isn’t life strange – Stories – I remember lots of them – but brilliant musicians – what a talented group of people – WELL DONE MY FRIEND!! You must be SO delighted! ??????????

Awesome!! And the drummer’s good too!!

that was an amazing first half of the show I can’t wait watch the second half

Though this was not our ideal way of seeing a show for the first time…I think I can speak for us all when I say we are blown away today (and we’re only halfway through)!  A flawless production and streaming experience (and I KNOW STREAMING)!  Each band-member brings such energy that I forget about the empty venue.  Most of all…I can simply tell that you all really missed performing live.
Thanks again for sharing this with us,

Loving the concert! Thank you xx

Great concert so far.
Can’t wait for the real hits.

Hello Gordy,
You guys and lady are f**king AWESOME!  Money well spent and I hope to see you in person one day!
Thanks So Much For Doing This!
All My Best / Bob

Great great Gig. FAB. Idea.
Brilliant music and musicians…hope to see you on road live next year
In Southport and Runcorn.

Just a singer was WONDERFUL – knights in white satin so moving –
Amazing vocals and of course drums  – Nick is amazing on guitar – Malcolm and Mick are fantastic – Helen was fabulous in Timothy Leary!
It’s all extraordinary! ?


Wow!! I hope you could all hear all the clapping and whooping and singing along and feel the dancing round the kitchen table.
Really really well done and thank you and then it was really poignant that you all had to just quietly walk off leaving an empty theatre.
Anyway a huge thrill and privilege to be virtually there
All the best

SUPERB! Enjoyed every minute. The band is fantastic, each and everyone a real pro. Thanks for the great “seat,” and again, congratulations.

It worked.  That was GREAT!

EXCELLENT way to spend an afternoon (in the States) hearing and watching you all perform.  Great job.  Thanks for bringing entertainment into our lives.  We all miss love performances.
Stay healthy,
KP in New Jersey

In Cornwall with the boys on a surf trip. That was fantastic and very emotional.
I’m sure everyone online was applauding ferociously. We salute you.

What a great job you have done in putting this band together, Gordon!  Marty and I had a great time listening and singing along.  Also brought back many memories of good times together.

Gordy, Mick and the boys and girls
Thank you, thank you,thank you for a great night, i hope your efforts to help the Theaters has been successful.
Keep up the tremendous work and, God willing, we will be able to see you properly live soon.
Again thank you for a wondrous night of fabulous music.
A massive, massive fan


Hello Gordy,
What a wonderful, wonderful, concert. Jody and I watched your show and clapped as hard as we could at the end of the song.  I hope you could hear us. I found myself singing many of the songs but not as well as you and your group. What a tremendous amount of talent in all of you. I sincerely appreciate all of you and enjoyed the show!
Thank you,

Outstanding performance!
Took me right back to that place where we all need to be…..
BIG thanks to you and Mick and your wonderful orchestra and team!
Thanks for keeping the faith.

That was truly magical. A journey through some of the most beautiful songs on the planet. So uplifting to see such wonderful talent, happiness and enthusiasm.
Best wishes to you all and I hope that when audiences are allowed again, to come and see you, wherever you are playing.
All the very best

Hi Gordy,
We just wanted to say “Thank you” to all of you.
Brilliant show as always!
Really enjoyed our “Moodies Fix”

Hi Gordy
Great show, well done to all.
Thanks for keeping the music alive.
Best wishes

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We really enjoyed the gig.
Maura & I were just commenting how difficult it must have been for you all to play without audience reaction.
Worry not – we were both joining in. Just like in the good old days. It just got better & better.
Thanks again, not just for the gig, but for the great fundraising for the venues.
Hoping to see you all again (on the other side …..) at the Tivoli, Wimborne.
Peter & Maura,

Applaud. Applaud. Applaud.
Excellent. Great value – seven professional musicians lined up on stage doing what they love to do and taking us with them. More please in support of our smaller theatres.
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Kenneth and Margaret

Got in. You definitely nailed it.
Great concert in my living room.

Hi Gordy,
I am not sure if you will even see this, but my husband and I both appreciate you putting on this concert for all of us. Thanks a million zillion and please let all of the other guys know!!! It really gave us a lift during these crazy times.

Thanks Gordy and all the GO NOW! guys.  A fabulous evening.  Look forward to seeing you all live sometime soon.  Love Kaye

Hi Gordy,
We just saw your GO NOW! concert and it was awesome not to mention a real treat! You guys sounded fantastic.
Thank you for doing this. What a great idea to help our theaters during this pandemic. I’m writing this from Tucson, Arizona where our theaters are still closed.
Thanks again,

Hi Gordon
just watched the show and it was fab you are all so talented my wife and all the family clapped for the band
hope to see you all in the future at the tivoli in wimborne.
thank you for all your replies and help with the link.
take care and kind regards to you and all the band

Brilliant concert as usual guys. Can’t wait for normal service to be resumed. It was a great idea and hopefully we’ll received by all your fans. Perhaps a Christmas special???
All the best

Well done, an awesome concert. We enjoyed every minute of it.
You couldn’t hear us so we send our applause!!! ?
Tucson, AZ

Hi Gordy,
Just wanted to say thanks to you and the band for a great show.
We really enjoyed every minute and admired the musicianship.  Fabulous!
Thanks again.

Thank you so much Gordy, that was a fantastic concert. We loved every minute!
Hopefully we’ll get to see you all in real life sooner rather than later.
Absolutely brilliant lineup of musicians and singers, well done it can’t have been easy!
Stay safe and well – you made our night ?

Hi Gordy,
I just wanted to take a minute to Thank You and the band for a very special event! I can’t express what the opportunity to see a live performance, especially during these times, has meant to me.
The performance was fabulous and obvious the the amount of care and time you all put into your craft! You are an exceptionally talented group of artists! I already knew that about you:)
I have been going to Moody Blues concerts for over 30 years., as well as listening their music from the beginning. Your presentation of their music is true and seamless. And yet, you have done Moody Blues songs I have never heard performed live. I can die happy hearing an exquisite performance of “House Of Four Doors”….for this I cant thank you enough!
I hope to see you in the states one day soon! I would also consider heading back to the UK to a show, when that is possible.
Be safe and well,

Hi Gordy and the band
Brilliant show tonight and such a very welcome live set.
The home cinema sound was well cranked up so had the full effect in the living room.
Great view from our front row seats.
Thanks again for putting it together

Hi Gordy,
Just to say thank you for an excellent show, you are all such talented and versatile musicians – hope to see you again soon !

Gordy! Bloody well done. Really, really great band.

HI Gordy.Thank you so  much for an incredible show this evening One of the best I have ever seen, hand on heart. Superb!.Looking forward to seeing you in concert in the near future .Looking forward to the live cd now.Stay safe and well and thank you to you all for a very special evening.

My wife and I watched your show tonight and just wanted you to know how much we enjoyed it.  We clapped and cheered every song.  The show was superb, every band member was amazing and the whole production, the lighting and sound were excellent.   I hope it was well supported and hopefully something you may want to do again, we would certainly gladly subscribe.
Anyway thank you all very much from us both,
Steve and Louise

Enjoyed the show. Let me know if you have anymore
Saw you in York two or three years ago.

Thank you for such a wonderful live streamed concert. We were booked to see you at The Capitol in Horsham for the Third time next Friday. Hope we will be able to see you live next year.
Thank you again,

BRAVO! What a wonderful show! Thanks to all the musicians and support crew. Moody Blues are my hubby’s favorite group and we both loved the concert. We appreciate the opportunity to watch the show online for the next year.
Be well and play on!
Ev and Bob

Hi Gordon, the show was absolutely phenomenal!! We enjoyed it so, so much. We cannot wait to see the show in person!! 🙂
Jessica & Tommy

What an amazing concert last night. Absolutely loved it. Congratulations to you and the Band.

Brilliant show, thank you all so much. Moody Blues music has meant so much over the years in good and bad times personally and perhaps more important now. I have seen Go Now many times live and hope to continue to do so, looking forward to Oct 2021 and your visit to Frome.
Thanks again

Hi Gordy
I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed last night’s live broadcast – it made me realise just how much I am missing my regular visits to the theatre. It must have been weird for all of you playing to an empty house but for me and I’m sure everyone else watching around the globe it was brilliant. I know the Harlequin Theatre so could easily imagine I was there with you! One thing I particularly enjoyed was the close ups of you all playing your instruments – something you don’t always get to see in the
theatre – I found that fascinating, you are all so talented.
I look forward to seeing you again in the flesh as soon as that can ever happen – please come to my local venue – the Tivoli Theatre in Wimborne – asap!!
And could there be another CD eventually?
All the best to all of you.

The show was great.  I especially loved Question! Helen Wilson was a great plus!

Hi Gordon
Congratulations to you and the GO NOW band on an amazing performance, a really enjoyable couple of hours.
It must be difficult to keep going without any audience feedback.  Hope you can start live performances in
theatres soon.
All the best
Jean & Denis

Excellent show tonight and well done for putting it on.  Please pass on my thanks to the rest of the Go Now group and your supporting technicians and staff.
Stay safe and hopefully we’ll see you all again at Epsom next year.

Thank YOU and GO NOW!
God Bless you for providing this excellent event!

Thanks! The show was fantastic. It was so good to hear/see live music again,even at a distance. Somehow you all kept your energy and spirits up during what must have been a very strange performing experience. I know you helped my spirits, and I even sang along and danced a few times. It was truly enjoyable. I hope it was successful for you and the venues who joined in.
One question: who did the lovely acoustic rendition of Driftwood over the credits?
Anne Marie

It was awesome!

Hello ‘GO NOW! the Music of the Moody Blues’
Thank you all so much for bringing a much needed live, brilliant, evocative and wonderful evening to Moody Blues fans – who, it seems, have now become ‘Go Now the Music of the Moody Blues’ fans.  How lucky are we to be hearing again the music we have loved over many years, and delivered with such expertise and warmth for its origin.  Naturally, us fans are now hoping for another streaming –  greedy?  You bet!!    And I will certainly contact the theatre near to where we live in Chelmsford, where we have seen you perform twice, to get you back for more just as soon as things are back to ‘normal??’.
Yours appreciably
Dave and Sandra

Hi Gordy
Just to say thank you very much for the well organised show.We thoroughly enjoyed our evening.You guys are all so talented.
Hopefully some day I can buy you a pint.
Bruce & Jacks

Hi Gordy
A big thank you for all of your hard work in raising money for our local theaters, it was a fantastic concert, you could not asked for better, When you and the guys get back on the road again, I do hope that you will come back to Hastings East Sussex to play, My wife and I really enjoyed the Go Now cd as we have see the Moody Blues many times live, and have all the DVDS from over the years, we would live to watch the concert again this time when the grandchildren are in bed, please do you know when I will get the link and password.  also a Go Now DVD would be good.
best wishes to you and the band

WHAT AN AWESOME SHOW!  THANK YOU. Also nice to actually see you. Was on all the cruises with you and saw you every time you played Westbury Long Island.(theatre in the round)..Stay well and hoping Go Now makes it to the NY area in the future…
Remain healthy and as JL says “Keep the faith”..

I have begun watching the concert and it’s been GREAT!!!  Your music is clean and pure with excellent pace and rhythm and vocals that are top-notch, what a treat!  It’s not a re-make of old music, it’s just great music played by an energetic, connected group.  Thank you so much for sharing your talents with the world 🙂

I have begun watching the concert and it’s been GREAT!!!  Your music is clean and pure with excellent pace and rhythm and vocals that are top-notch, what a treat!  It’s not a re-make of old music, it’s just great music played by an energetic, connected group.  Thank you so much for sharing your talents with the world 🙂